– There are no statistics available, but I’m quite sure she is the first one in Norway. But I doubt she is the first one in the world, bearing in mind that the number of test tube children in the world passed 5 million on 1st of July this year, says Tom Tanbo, professor at Rikshospitalet in Oslo, Norway.

Unbeatable records

Mona Susanne Tetlie is quite thrilled by the news that she – and her daughter – might be «record holders»:

– Are you the first one too?

Mona, instantly called «Miracle-Mona» by Norwegian press when she was born, asks her little daughter Ailin, aged three months, almost triumphantly. They might be in a position to have unbeatable records.

– I haven’t even thought about this kind of «first record», Mona says.

Not a giant

She gave birth to her little princess on the 6th of August this year at St. Olavs hospital in Trondheim, Norway. The little girl weighed 2990 grams and measured 45 cms.

– She was born two weeks early, and wasn’t very big. But I’m not what you call a «giant» myself either, says Mona.

The proud daddy is Mona’s new husband Øyvind Totland.

Two «naturals»

Mona is used to flashes from the cameras, she grew up with them. The press has written lots of articles about the different milestones in her life.

The big news, though, came in the spring of 2005, when Mona and her former husband announced that Mona had become pregnant naturally. In May 2006 Miriam was born, a year later Nicklas was born, he also through the natural method.

Can you help?

Now «Miracle-Mona» would like to ask you, the people out there: Is she, a test tube child, the very first one in the world to give birth to a test tube child?

If you do have information about this, please write to:


(journalist in «Sør-Trøndelag», a Norwegian newspaper).

Thanks for your help!